Klimt Studio Œ Society


Gustav Klimt’s last and only surviving studio was a magnet for those lucky enough to visit him there. Today you can do so and see where he created 51 paintings and countless drawings during the last eight years of his life.

"This is not just a restored monument, in a sense it feels like the spirit of Klimt has returned to his old home. We can now all be part of this unique example of truly European cultural heritage."
Plácido Domingo, President of Europa Nostra

To be able to visit an artist’s home is an emotional and intimate encounter. Klimt’s last studio in Vienna is a unique example of this. The lavishly illustrated new book captures the experience superbly.

Note: German edition available with two English forewords, "Welcome" by Placido Domingo, President of Europa Nostra and "Atelier and Autobiography" by Alessandra Comini, University Distinguished Professor of Art History Emerita, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
English edition being prepared.

Europa Nostra


Nr. 118a, Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Denkmal- und Ortsbildpflege, Wien September 2000

SCHÖNBRUNN, HIETZING, PENZING und UNTER ST: VEIT, STEINE SPRECHEN, Nr. 124/125, Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Denkmal- und Ortsbildpflege, Wien August 2002

Verein Gedenkstätte Gustav Klimt (Hrsg.) KIJIRO OHTA & GUSTAV KLIMT
Zu Besuch bei Klimt in Wien (1913) Das Atelier in Unter St. Veit in Wien / A Visit to Klimt in Vienna / Une Visite chez Klimt à Vienne / The Studio at Unter St. Veit, Vienna / L'atelier à Unter St. Veit à Vienne. Published by Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra 2005

Klimt Ohta

24 x 17 cm, 128 pages
ISBN 3-85252-671-X

Euro 24
Bibliothek der Provinz
Großwolfgers 29
A-3970 Weitra
Tel +43 2856 3794, Fax +43 2856 3792

Kijiro Ohta finished his studies of painting in Tokyo, January 1908, and continued, in February, at Académie des Beaux Arts, in Ghent, Belgium. He stayed for five years and travelled in Europe.

In the spring of 1913, shortly before returning to Japan, he came to Vienna, with high expectations, because he planned to visit Gustav Klimt at his Hietzing studio. The report he wrote about his visit to Vienna - Ohta's view upon the social and artistic life at this metropolis - and about his meeting Master Klimt was published in the art magazine "Bijutsu-shinpo" ("News from the Art World") in 1914.

"A Visit to Klimt in Vienna" presents Kijiro Ohta's report and also an essay by Diethard Leopold "Gustav Klimt and Kijiro Ohta: Why we travel", in German, English and French, Ohta's text in Japanese facsimile, with biographical data of Klimt and Ohta and with numerous images.

CD GUSTAV KLIMT. Was ich bin und was ich will

Selbstzeugnisse und Texte von Zeitzeugen, gelesen von Hilde Sochor, Wolfgang Hübsch und Thomas Stolzeti, Preiser Records 2013, eine Produktion für den Verein Gedenkstätte Gustav Klimt (out of print)
